- Annual: ₮ 954,437,939.00
- Monthly: ₮ 79,536,494.92
- Weekly: ₮ 18,354,575.75
- Daily: ₮ 3,670,915.15

From the moment you arrived on this page, Felipe VI has earned:
Монголын буддизм нь Хүннү гүрний үеэс эхтэй бөгөөд 1990 оны Ардчилсан хувьсгалын дараагаар сүүлийн сэргэлт эхэлсэн юм. 2010 оны байдлаар Монголын хүн амын 53 хувь Буддын шашин шүтдэг гэжээ.
Wikipedia page about Монголын буддизмElespanol.com Feb. 2023: 269.296 euros
Forbes Jul 2022: 259,000 euros
ElPais Oct 2021: € 253.850
Revistavanityfair.es: salary in 2019: 242,769€
ElConfidencial Sep 2018: Salary 242,769 in 2018
ElPais Apr 2018: Felipe VI received 239,908 euros in 2017
Elespanol April 2017: the salary of monarch Felipe VI (49 years), which last year stood at 236,544 euros
Telegraph Feb. 2015: Spain's King Felipe VI has slashed his salary as head of state by 20 percent for 2015, he will earn this year 234,204 euros.
- Picture: Quirinale.it, Wikipedia — Attribution (CC BY)
- Text: as.com
- Text: El Espanol
- Text: Yahoo
- Text: Forbes
- Text: euroweeklynews.com
- Text: Elpais
- Text: Vanity Fair
- Text: Elconfidential
- Text: Telegraph
- Text: Elespanol
For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.
Update: 2024-3