Salary Hillary and Bill Clinton

Төрийн нарийн бичгийн дарга
Born: She 1947, he 1946
  • Annual: ₮ 36,018,791,204.00
  • Monthly: ₮ 3,001,565,933.67
  • Weekly: ₮ 692,669,061.62
  • Daily: ₮ 138,533,812.32
Hillary and Bill Clinton

From the moment you arrived on this page, Hillary and Bill Clinton has earned:

This summary is provided by Wikipedia

АНУ-д Амбан захирагч нь муж, нутаг дэвсгэрийн гүйцэтгэх засаглалын тэргүүн юм. 2022 оны зургадугаар сарын байдлаар Бүгд найрамдах намаас амбан захирагчтай 28 муж, Ардчилсан намаас амбан захирагчтай 22 муж байна. Пуэрто-Рикогийн Педро Пиерлуиси нь Ардчилсан намтай ойр харилцаатай хэдий ч Шинэ дэвшилт намын гишүүн юм. Колумбийн холбооны тойргийг Ардчилсан намаас сонгогдсон амбан захирагч удирддаг.

Wikipedia page about Амбан захирагч (АНУ)

WSJ August 2016: Their tax return showed that the Clintons made $10.6 million in adjusted gross income last year, largely from speaking fees, books, and Mr. Clinton’s consulting activities. The Clintons paid an effective federal income-tax rate of 34% in 2015, $3.24 million. The Clintons gave more than $1 million, or nearly 10% of their adjusted gross income, to charity.
WSJ July 2015: The Clintons’ 2014 return showed they earned about $28 million and paid tax of almost $10 million that year. Gifts to charity totaled about $3 million, almost all of it to the Clinton Family Foundation. Mrs. Clinton reported gross speaking fees of about $10.5 million before expenses, and gross earnings as an author of about $5.6 million. The former president reported about $9.7 million in gross speaking fees and about $6.4 million in gross consulting fees


For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.

Update: 2016-8
